Saturday, January 08, 2005

I think I'll be doing my job description soon...

:S! Over 1200 boxes today... the pads on my fingers are all raw from sticking that many labels on cardboard boxes all day.

Maggie says that we'll continue with the boxes on Monday morning, run the first eight skids in the afternoon, finish the other eight on Tuesday and then after that, Richard and I are to start repairs. O_o she didn't say what I'd be repairing though-- I'm sort of hoping I'll get to help Jim with the LCDs. Either fixing the PCs or the LCDs would be fine by me though-- as long as I'm not folding keyboard boxes or counting French manuals ><

Turns out I forgot to sign out yesterday when I left.... so I had to ask Danny to sign my card again... Thank fully he didn't seem upset by it--he did tell me to talk to him the next time I had a problem with my time card ^^;;

One full week that Eric hasn't shown up for work. We think that it's probable that he'll come back and demand his pay for the four days he worked that wasn't on our last (first? lol) paycheck, though.

Getting a rabbit tomorrow. Going early with Isabel to buy a cage and some essentials 8D G'nite!


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